While strolling the painfully cold streets of London, Anne and I were moved to ask that question that many strollers have asked before us... "how many #@!*^# Starbucks are there!?!?"
Well, according to Wikipedia, the total number of locations (as of November, 2006) was 12,440 worldwide. I read elsewhere that they have set their sites on a future target of 40,000 stores. So if you think there's one on every corner now...
And incidentally, in London (and other civilized European countries, I'm sure) there's a whole lot of "for here" coffee consumption going on, with real cups! I know there are coffee mugs to be had, here in an American Starbucks, but the sheer quantity of people sitting down, sipping cappucinos and acting like they were in a real café kept surprising us.
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